Stable ChocoHax 1.9.0 - RTC Spectate



Chocolate CEO
Staff member
Jun 20, 2021
ChocoHax 1.9.0 has been officially released


Added Features:

  • RTC Spectate | New spectating feature that let you see the player's screen, anytime, including lua cheats or internal UI rendered text including a Video Recorder that will send a copy to your Screenshot Storage Discord Webhook
  • Internal Lua Injected Resources | New Method for detecting a well-known LUA executor
  • Vehicle Invoke Check | New Method for detecting entities/vehicles spawned in safe-mode or not, any entity spawned externally will be flagged.
  • Entities Protection (Whitelisted Only + Anti Spam) | As requested by the community, we have added a new feature regarding entities detection, Only whitelisted entities are allowed, with built-in anti-spam measures.
  • Added Backup Screenshot Storages | For large servers, multiple screenshot storage options are now supported to avoid rate limiting. It is recommended to store backups in separate channels for optimal performance.
  • Admin Menu LSC Tuning - Added Stage 5 | As requested by the community
  • Added support for local configuration and permissions (OLD STYLE)
    In case you need a local configuration you can place your config.json or permissions.json inside the folder plugins of your ChocoHax folder. Local files will take priority over Panel-based configurations.
    Note: Starting ChocoHax in Advanced Mode disables support from our Support Team. Use this option only if you are confident in your setup and troubleshooting skills.
Improved Features:
  • Event Exploit checks | We have improved our exploit checking, make sure you have enabled "eventsProtection" in the config
  • ChocoHax AI | Updated with the latest menus available, and fixing some false positives caused on some vMenu servers
  • Performance Improvement | With that update we have noticed a slightly better performance comparated to the old release 1.8.5R7
  • Whitelisted Areas | Now you can set an area where ChocoHax will ignore the players (eg. SafeZone - Godmode)
Event Handlers Update

Event Handlers added:

  • Send a request to ChocoHax to perform a permissions check on the current player
    -- Client Sided Event
    TriggerServerEvent("ChocoHaxFolderName:hasPerms", "adminmenu", function(hasPerms)
        if hasPerms then
            print("You have permission")
            print("You do not have permission")

  • Send a log of the selected player to ChocoHax (You must be an admin to trigger this event, adminmenu permission is required)
    -- Client Sided Event , Server Sided Event (use TriggerEvent)

    TriggerServerEvent("ChocoHaxFolderName:logPlayer", <playerid>, {
            module = "myModuleName",
            reason = "Type here the reason for the log/ban",
            extra = "Type here any extra information you want to add",
            punishment = "kick", -- alert, warn, kick, ban
            permission = "adminmenu", -- Optional

  • Send a log of the current player to ChocoHax (The player that sent the event will be flagged/logged)
    -- Client Sided Event

    TriggerServerEvent("ChocoHaxFolderName:logMyself", {
            module = "myModuleName",
            reason = "Type here the reason for the log/ban",
            extra = "Type here any extra information you want to add",
            punishment = "kick", -- alert, warn, kick, ban
            permission = "clientBypass", -- Optional

  • Send an alert to a player
    -- Server Sided Event
    TriggerClientEvent("ChocoHaxFolderName_cl_alert", <playerid>, "Title of your Alert", "Message of the alert", "danger") -- danger, warning, info, success

Exports Update

ChocoHax Exports Update:
  • getBan | Search for a banned identifier or identifiers
    local identifiers = {
        steam = "12340015ce64cb6",
        discord = "1234219335478841374",
        license = "1234c58d39cd966a0421a507a8ef1fd6b3d26ef1"
    local tokens = {
    local banData = exports["chocohaxResourceName"]:getBan(identifiers, tokens)
    -- output example
    banData = {
        isBanned = true,
        banID = "123456",
        index = {
            module = "clientProtection",
            banID = "123456",
            name = "dallas",
            extra = "Anti Internal Lua/JS Cheats",
            image = "Darkside Menu Screen Resolution: 1920x1080",
            reason = "Darkside Menu Screen Resolution: 1920x1080",
            isBanned = true,
            time = "2022-10-10 10.10.10"
  • getGlobalBan | Search for a Globally Banned identifier or identifiers (remember to include the player name)
    local name = GetPlayerName(source)
    local identifiers = {
        steam = "12340015ce64cb6",
        discord = "1234219335478841374",
        license = "1234c58d39cd966a0421a507a8ef1fd6b3d26ef1"
    local globalBanID = exports["chocohaxResourceName"]:getGlobalBan(name, identifiers)
    -- example output:
    -- globalBanID will be a number: 123456 or nil

  • unban | Unban a user from an external script.
    local banid = 123456
    -- returns true or false

  • getAllBans | Get a list of all banned users by ChocoHax (DO NOT spam this function, it may cause performance issues)
    local bans = exports["chocohaxResourceName"]:getAllBans()
    -- output:
    bans = {
        indexes = {
            ["123456"] = {
                module = "loginProtection",
                banID = "123456",
                name = "dallas",
                extra = "Anti Internal Lua/JS Cheats",
                image = "",
                reason = "Darkside Menu Screen Resolution: 1920x1080",
                isBanned = true,
                time = "2022-10-10 10.10.10"
            ["654321"] = {
                module = "loginProtection",
                banID = "654321",
                name = "dallas",
                extra = "Anti Internal Lua/JS Cheats",
                image = "",
                reason = "Darkside Menu Screen Resolution: 1920x1080",
                isBanned = true,
                time = "2022-10-10 10.10.10"
        identifiers = {
            steam = {
                ["11000015ce64cb6"] = "123456",
                ["11000015ce64cb7"] = "654321"
            discord = {
                ["1121219335478841374"] = "123456",
                ["1121219335478841375"] = "654321"
            license = {
                ["12345d966a0421a507a8ef1fd6b3d26ef1"] = "123456"
            token = {
                ["a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0"] = "123456"

This update WILL NOT require a new configuration or permissions, configurations, permissions and ban lists from 1.8.5R7 will be compatible with 1.9.0