Dropped ChocoHax Abelia - 1.5.6



Chocolate CEO
Staff member
Jun 20, 2021
ChocoHax Abelia has been updated

First of all, i would like to thanks everyone that partecipated to the beta helping us finding the most important problems in it.
We optimized the client side as promised, and solved almost all false positives detections from generalchecks
WARNING: ESX or vRP users may still find some false positives from client sided features


[+] updated clientProtection
[+] added playerProtection category (optimized client checks)
[+] added clientAnticheat category ( Tested carefully... ;) )
[+] added clientWeapons category (moved here)
[+] added clientVehicles category (moved here)
[+] updated anti thermal vision (optimized false positives)
[+] updated anti night vision (optimized false positives)
[+] updated anti entity alpha (optimized false positives)
[+] updated anti ragdoll (optimized false positives)
[+] updated anti freecam (removed detection, now it's only going to block any freecam on the server)
[+] added new permissions (You're now more free to select specific client sided permissions) - spectate,blips,freecam
[+] updated configuration files
[+] fixed conflict between screenshot-basic and the internal screenshot-basic on the client side
[+] added debug feature 'trigger extractor'

You can download the update from the beta panel: ChocoHax Abelia Panel
This update may reset your client sided settings... Make sure you set the new features correctly.

For more details visit: ChocoHax Abelia Beta Guide or contact us.