ChocoHax has been released
In this update we have focused on improving the previous version
We are trying to create a configuration according to your needs ...
Use the panel to edit/generate configurations for ChocoHax, as it does not allow you to enter incorrect values
Soon we will release a hot-update which will include the possibility of having logs divided by warn / kick / ban
Admin Menu and Debug Menu
You can set a default hotkey for the admin menu and the debug menu (noclip)
Global Ban Whitelist
Global Ban Whitelisted ids will be stored in globalban_whitelist.json in your ChocoHax folder
The command will be able to whitelist and unwhitelist a CHX-ID without restarting the server
Added in-game permissions settings
This system is only available for internal permissions
You will be able to see the menu tab even if you use ACE permissions, but the commands will have no effect
The update is optional ...
We remind you that we are doing several tests to see what the user prefers in order to bring a definitive solution
In this update we have focused on improving the previous version
We are trying to create a configuration according to your needs ...
Use the panel to edit/generate configurations for ChocoHax, as it does not allow you to enter incorrect values
Soon we will release a hot-update which will include the possibility of having logs divided by warn / kick / ban
Admin Menu and Debug Menu
You can set a default hotkey for the admin menu and the debug menu (noclip)
Global Ban Whitelist
lynx whitelist <CHX-ID>
The command will be able to whitelist and unwhitelist a CHX-ID without restarting the server
Added in-game permissions settings
This system is only available for internal permissions
You will be able to see the menu tab even if you use ACE permissions, but the commands will have no effect
The update is optional ...
We remind you that we are doing several tests to see what the user prefers in order to bring a definitive solution