What is ChocoHax?


Chocolate CEO
Staff member
Jun 20, 2021
This post is deprecated, Visit: ChocoHax Hestia Update
ChocoHax Classic
ChocoHax is a premium anticheat solution for the popular gaming platform, FiveM.
Our initial release, known as DFWM was launched on November 2019, but was not successful. As a result, we decided to make the source code available to the public.
Since then, many other paid anticheats have been developed using our base

On March 28th, 2020, we officially released ChocoHax as a polished and fully-functional anticheat solution.

Why ChocoHax?
ChocoHax was developed by Lynx Collective, a team with extensive experience in researching and finding solutions for cheats. We are committed to keeping our detection methods up-to-date by constantly removing outdated vectors and replacing them with new, more effective ones.
This ensures that ChocoHax remains one of the most reliable and advanced anticheat solutions on the market.

  • The applicant must be 18 years of age or older.​
  • The applicant must have an active FiveM server, with the understanding that ChocoHax cannot be used for testing or development of cheats.
  • The applicant must have a system running either Windows or Linux operating system. Shared game hosting is not recommended.
  • The anticheat is compatible with a variety of frameworks, including ESX, VRP, qBus, and custom frameworks.
  • The applicant must be familiar with and agree to the terms of service before using the software.

Features Updated: 20/01/2023
  • Multiple Language Support
    • ChocoHax supports multiple languages including English, French, Spanish, Romanian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and more.
  • Logs
    • Discord Logs: including kicks, warnings, bans, and connections/disconnections.
    • Console Logs: allowing for easy tracking of events on the server.
    • Local Logging: stored in the "chocohaxfolder/logs/" directory in the form of text files for easy access.
  • Admin Menu (IN-GAME)
    • Administrative tools: providing a variety of server management options, including the ability to manage players, teleport, screenshot, etc.
    • Server management
  • ChocoHax AI: Our OCR-based AI is able to detect most internal cheats and learn new ones, to ensure the best protection for your server.
  • ClearPedTasksImmediately: detects attempts to cheat by immediately kicking players from vehicles.
  • Chat Protection
    • Anti Blacklisted Words: blocking the use of certain words or phrases to keep the chat clean. (may not work with custom chat)
    • Anti XSS Injection: preventing cross-site scripting attacks.
  • Entities Protection
    • Blacklisted Objects,Peds,Vehicles detection: preventing the use of certain types of entities that may be used to cheat.
    • Anti Nuke (Anti Spam): blocking spamming of entities.
  • Events Protection
    • Anti Blacklisted Events: preventing certain events from being executed to prevent cheating.
    • Modular Events Protection (Event Limiter): limiting the number of events that can be executed at one time to prevent spamming.
    • Events Protection against cheats: blocking attempts to exploit through the use of events.
  • Explosion Protection
    • Blacklisted / Whitelisted Configuration: controlling which explosions are allowed on the server and blocking others.
    • Explosion Anti Spam: blocking spamming of explosions.
    • Explosion Blocker: preventing explosions from being executed.
  • FXParticles Protection
    • Blacklisted / Whitelisted Configuration
    • FXParticles Blocker
  • Weapons Protection
    • Give Weapon: preventing the giving of weapons by natives, but not detecting self-giving of weapons.
    • Remove Weapon: ^^
    • Blacklisted Weapon Use (upon kill detection)
    • Experimental Anti Aimbot
    • Client Side Weapons restriction: detecting when holding a blacklisted weapon
    • Blacklisted Projectiles protection
  • Login Protection
    • Force Identifiers (steam,discord,license,live,xbox,fivem): prevent players from joining the server if doesn't meet the requirements
    • Anti XSS Injection: preventing cross-site scripting attacks.
    • Anti Blacklisted Names: prevent players from using blacklisted names on the server
    • Ban System: a very powerful local ban system
    • Cloud-based Ban System: By sharing your gameplay experiences with us, we are able to identify trusted players and take appropriate actions against those who violate our rules
  • Client Protection
    • Screenshots
    • Resource Checker
    • Anti Spectate
    • Anti Thermalvision / Nightvision (*NEW*)
    • Anti Nui DevTools (*NEW*)
    • Anti Player Blips
    • Cache Detection
Backdoors Protection (Cipher/ketamine/sakuracc)
ChocoHax offers several tools to prevent and remove (if possible) any backdoors installed on your server.
Despite our best efforts, it may not be possible to completely clean a server without the intervention of a skilled developer.
ChocoHax has the following commands to scan your server:
lynx scan
lynx scan pro (which also deletes backdoors if possible)

Alternatively, you can use our free tool: Download ChocoHax Antibackdoor 2023.zip
Which will help to block HTTP requests between the server and any backend servers. (it may need some configuration)
It is worth noting that servers are often infected due to poor management, and by installing pirated/cracked resources and/or resources from untrusted developers. Before performing any cleaning, it is necessary to remove suspicious and/or infected resources from the server in order to work in a clean environment. Remember to #StopUsingCrackedStuff.

Dedicated Area:
Dashboard (Download Area), Config Generator, Permissions Generator, Cloud Ban Viewer (Verified/Authorized servers only)


*Screenshots and features may vary with updates

How to Buy?
You can purchase a subscription directly from our website or via an
official reseller
Prices are starting from 19.98€
If you don't find your payment method you can contact us
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